Event name: National Chess Congress 2019 | Location/website: Philadelphia |
Date: Nov 30, 2019 | Round #: 3 |
The opening was: Ruy Lopez | The result: white won |
Michael Favata played as: white | Michael Favata was rated at: 1599 |
The opponent was: Lulu Huang | The opponent`s rating was: 1492 |
Game Overview: White wins a pawn, weathers the storm of black\'s active pieces before targeting black\'s back rank and winning material and the game. |
[Event "National Chess Congress 2019"]
[Site "Philadelphia"]
[Date "2019-11-30"]
[Round "3"]
[White "MichaelFavata"]
[Black "Lulu Huang"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "1599"]
[BlackELO "1492"]
[Event "National Chess Congress 2019"]
[Site "Philadelphia"]
[Date "2019.12.??"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Michael Favata"]
[Black "Lulu Huang"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "1599"]
[BlackELO "1492"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7. Qe2 O-O 8.
c3 Bb6 9. d3 h6 10. Be3 d5 {Impatient. Loses the e5 pawn. } 11. Bxb6 cxb6 12.
exd5 Nxd5 13. Nxe5 Nxe5 {Black may have been banking on 13...Re8, but 14 Nxc6
Rxe7 15 Nxd8 wins a piece. } 14. Qxe5 Nf6 15. Qg3 Bf5 16. d4 Re8 17. Bd1
{Preventing rook infiltration. } 17... Qe7 18. Nd2 Bd7 19. Nf3 b4 20. Ne5
bxc3 21. bxc3 Rac8 22. Bb3 Be6 23. Rfe1 Qb7 24. c4 Nd7 25. Rac1 Nxe5 26. Rxe5
Bd7 27. h3 Rxe5 28. dxe5 Qe4 29. Qc3 Bc6 30. f3 Qg6 31. Qe3 Bd7 32. Kh2 Rc5
33. Rd1 Qe6 34. Rd6 Qe7 35. f4 Bc6 36. Qd3 {Targeting the back rank} 36... b5
{Playing into white's hands. opens up the a4-e8 diagonal. } 37. cxb5 Bxb5 38.
Rd8+ Be8 39. Ra8 {Ba4 immediately may be more accurate, but it's hard to suggest what black can do to prevent upcoming material loss. I didn't see Ba4 at the time.} 39... a5 40. Ba4 g6 41.
Rxe8+ Qxe8 42. Bxe8 Rc7 43. Qd8 Ra7 44. e6 fxe6 45. Qf6 Rg7 46. Qxe6+ Kh8 47.
Bxg6 a4 48. Qe8+ Rg8 49. Qf7 Rg7 50. Qf8+ Rg8 51. Qxh6# 1-0
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